If you choose to seek care in his office, you will receive care from Eliot Y. Ghatan, MD, not his associate, not his assistant, and not a physician extender.
Genital warts are caused by a wide variety of Human Papilloma Viruses (HPV) and are usually asymptomatic, but depending on the size and anatomic location, they can be painful or itchy. Condylomas commonly occur on the shaft of the circumcised penis, under the foreskin of the uncircumcised penis, and around the vaginal introitus. Other sites of occurrence are within the anogenital tract (cervix, vagina, urethra, perineum, perianal skin, scrotum, and anus). Receptive anal intercourse may result in Intra-anal warts, but they also can occur in men and women who have not had a history of anal sexual contact.
Condylomas can develop months or years after getting HPV. HPV types that cause genital warts can be passed on to another person even in the absence of visible signs of warts. Signs of genital warts might occur in only one partner or in neither partner.
How do you diagnose Genital warts?
Visual inspection and confirmation by biopsy.
How do you treat Genital Warts?
No single treatment is ideal for all patients or all warts. The treatment goal is removal of the wart and improvement of symptoms, if present. The appearance of warts also can result in significant psychosocial distress, and removal can relieve cosmetic concerns. In most cases, treatment regimen results in resolution of the warts.
Often times treatment is provided in the office and a regimen of home treatment may be suggested to enhance and expedite the resolution.
Many persons with external anal warts also have intra-anal warts. These persons are referred for an inspection of the anal canal by digital examination, standard anoscopy, or high-resolution anoscopy.
What to expect after treatment?
Genital warts can be treated; however, such treatment does not cure the virus itself. Genital warts commonly recur after treatment, especially in the first 3 months.
Most anogenital warts respond within 3 months of therapy, provided full compliance with the course of therapy. However, patients are advised to return for scheduled follow up and monitoring to help with early detection and treatment. Because genital warts can be sexually transmitted, patients with genital warts benefit from testing for other STDs. One should avoid sexual activity with new partners until the warts are gone or removed. The wart virus might remain present and can still be transmitted to partners even after the warts are gone.
Available vaccine for males and females to prevent genital warts will not treat existing genital warts. The vaccine can prevent most cases of genital warts in persons who have not yet been exposed to wart-causing types of HPV.
Patients should inform current partner(s) about having genital warts because the types of HPV that cause warts can be passed on to partners. Physical examination of partner(s) might help to detect genital warts and tests for other STDs are recommended.